Never say ‘yes’ when u wanna say ‘no’,
Listen to your heart, ‘n what it has to say, know.
For never in a bargain, you get gold,
In this market called world, where emotions are sold.

Use your head if you have one; put it to good use,
Don’t knock on ur heart’s (door), its overworked, abused.
For in matters of life and issues like love,
Kindness isn’t a virtue; the symbol of danger not of two doves.
A ‘no’ can only make you feel guilty of not saying ‘yes’,
But at least of not putting your heart under duress!
While a ‘yes’ shall fetch you a life full of regret,
Centuries of wasted emotions, tears and sweat.
Kindness is a need, for the ‘day to day’ life,
But becomes a luxury, when choosing your man or wife.
You become a pauper if you practice your virtue,
While you stay a prince (ss) if you close ur eyes on ur feelings true.
So choose what u wanna be in life, a pauper or a prince,
Forgimme for I say frankly, my words I do not mince.
I have used my heart and head, both in this advice,
For listening to my heart once, I’ve paid a heavy price!