Take all your space u want, Not gonna bother u nomore, Life with me for u’s not gud, I end up making it a bore. You r a free bird, The sky’s open for u, Spread ur wings as much as u want, U just hv urself to stop u. I ain’t not gonna bug u, Nomore gonna not let u sleep, M on my own too, My own shoulder on, to weep. Made u stay just with me, Was cruel, controlling ur life, Guess m not the one, Meant to b ur wife. Each flower doesn’t smell well, That does, might not b real, M one such fakie, Go, get urself another gal. Nomore trying not to hurt me, Ur freed of all ur chains, Plz stay away from me, Might relieve u of ur pains. Restrictions r now gone, Grow ur beard, fag n booze, M gonna stay in my cocoon now, Goin’ now for a long snooze. Shudn’t love u by changing u, Prob’ly accept u the way u are, But, now not a possibility, Me has gone really really far (away). So, lemme say my gudbye, Had the time of my life with u, Who could make me feel so gud, Alas, are people very few! (36)
If this is love...
If this is what being loved is, Think, I was always in love, Someone forever loved me, Whom I just knew enough. Yes, I was absolutely by myself, Ready to face tomorrow, I had not asked for anyone, Who’d come share my sorrow. I did not miss anyone, Nor wait for someone to call, My dreams, my pleasures, My mirror image was my all. ?
I never cried for anybody, Noone I was used to being with, Gone days weren’t memories, And yeah, dreams, no myth. Each day was new for me, Passing moments were gay, Never thought being loved, Meant feeling lonely, this way. But now I’ve become crazy, Not the same as before, Can’t have enough of him, Each moment want him more. But, I would sure change soon, If life’s meant to be like this, I will try not to want him, When I know, me, he doesn’t miss. I won’t ask for his company, I’ll let him be on his own, Go have a gala time in life, So what if I am alone? People say they can’t stay apart, Once they have fallen in love, I know I have risen in it, Coz, of love I’ve had enough! (36)
There is no laughter, All smiles are gone, There’s nobody around, Yes, I’m all alone. I’m afraid of my future, I don’t know how to face, I am a big loser, In life’s this phase.
Each moment is too long, Don’t know how to spend, I have started cribbing, When my ways I should mend. Am feeling too lonely, No idea what to do, There’s nobody around to say, “I’m there for you!”. Oh GOD, please help me, I am dead scared, From all of this agony, Can’t I be spared? Yes, things could be worse, But, this fact is no help, I am troubled with the present, I am tired of myself. Yeah, I am all alone, But, that’s how I have to battle, I’ve to prove things to myself, Show me my own mettle!